SEA Eugene 2019 to feature session on Northwest Native History and Languages
Many thanks to University of Oregon faculty, staff, alumni, and community members in Native and Indigenous studies, particularly Jennifer O’Neal, who bears the dual titles of Corrigan Solari University’s Historian and Archivist, and Instructor of History and Native Studies in the Robert D. Clark Honors College. Jennifer organized these panels that will take place in the Many Nations Longhouse on Feb. 28th, to showcase local native history, theatre, and archives, as well as the native language revival and instruction projects of NILI, the Northwest Indian Language Institute:
Panel 1: Oregon Place-based Indigenous History – Highlighting projects, initiatives, and groups
David Lewis (Grand Ronde Historian) – Documenting Oregon’s Western Tribes
Kevin Hatfield/Jennifer O’Neal (UO History and Honors College) – Decolonizing Research: The Northern Paiute History Project
Theresa May/Marta Clifford (UO Native Theatre Collective) – Developing Collaborative Native Theatre)
Bodeene Amoyt/Nathan Georgitis (UO Libraries) – Mukurtu Hubs and Spokes: Developing an Oregon Tribal Archives Portal
Panel 2: Indigenous Languages and Education
Organizer/Chair: Beth Piatote
Michelle Jacob – NILI and UO Department of Education
Virgina Beavert – Tribal Elder
Joanna Jensen and Janne Underrinner – NILI
— Posted by Gordon Sayre, English and Folklore, University of Oregon
September 6, 2018